Friday, January 14, 2011


Do you realize kids born within the last month have never seen an update to this site?  That's not a world I want to live in.

Speaking of kids (I'm practicing my transitions for my television debut) I'm going to be Daddy2 soon.  Some of you may say "Wait just a minute my rotund friend!  Don't you mean Daddy * 2?"  No, Sir, I do not.  Because for each kid you have everything increases exponentially.  Cuteness quotient, drama index, and poopy diaper coefficient.

My wife is currently in her eighth month of pregnancy. (Side Note: Eighth is a ridiculously spelled word.  Just look at it.  That's one of the dumbest looking words I've ever seen.  Score one for illiteracy. At least they don't have to read it.)  She is enjoying all the fun things that come with being pregnant.  What's that?  There's really not much about pregnancy that's fun?  Well, then maybe we should carve this baby out and live it up.  But am I ready?

I sway back and forth when I walk between excitement and sheer terror.  I have never been a parent to someone under the age of two.  I assume the snarky comments and general sass-mouth (medical term) are replaced with bottles and diapers.  Other than that, I have no idea what to expect.

I am prepared for screaming children at 3 A.M. (and 3 P.M.) but am I prepared to parent an infant?  Can I give my newborn daughter all the love she deserves without making my son feel like I'm robbing him of said love?  Can I find time to show my wife that she's still the gorgeous, intelligent woman that I married even when we're both exhausted and delirious?  Can I find time to further my career/continue my education/pursue my dreams when I now have two humans depending on me for everything?

It's overwhelming.  I'm excited, but humbled.

I can't be the only person who's felt this way, right?


  1. Let me go ahead and say are probably the only person who has ever felt this way about having kids. Every person I have ever conversed with about having children has had nothing but the utmost confidence that everything will go smoothly with parenthood. What the hell is wrong with YOU?

    Seriously though, you're a great parent already. Why would you worry about the rinse and repeat portion.

    Unrelated, I notice you changed the names of some of the songs on the EP. I have updated my song name which was previously named "The Life Aquatic" to match yours. However, I will continue to leave your song, "Stop" as "True Believer?" in my iTunes library.

  2. Ooooh, I like "True Believer?". (Punctuation confuses me)

    We'll have to get them to change the name on the multi-platinum third printing of our debut album.
